Mental Health is starting with Mobilise to organize its volunteers.

Mental Health is growing and runs its project with openness around mental health challenges and better health services in several arenas.
The TV campaign's digital volunteer journey

There is a growing need for systematics and efficiency that is in line with the volunteering we see more and more of today. The volunteers want to make their own choices, and it should be easy to get involved. This is something the TV campaign wants to meet, and is largely done through developing […]
Blue Cross chooses Mobilize

With 1000s of volunteers across the country, Blåkors has been looking for a platform to streamline the management of its volunteers. Through the Mobilise platform, the various underlying associations will have access to market-leading and effective tools, which will help to simplify administration and organization. Both for those who will administer and those […]
The Norwegian Tourist Association enters into an agreement with Mobilise

DNT has entered into a long-term agreement with Mobilise for the delivery of a platform to organize its volunteering. As part of the agreement, a number of upgrades and improvements are made to the platform adapted to DNT's needs in addition to integrations with DNT's other platforms and systems (ERP / SSO). The new platform is rolled out by the underlying associations in […]