About us
2011 - A head start!
We deliver a tailor-made platform for the SKI WC 2011 for the recruitment and organization of 2,500 volunteers and the event was a great success.
The new platform revolutionized the way of recruiting and organizing volunteers - one moved away from Email and Excel and over to the online database system.
There is great interest in the "new platform" in the market. Snowboard WC, Øyafestivalen, Oslo Marathon, Skiforeningen, Nobel Peace Prize enter into long-term agreements.

2012 - 300% increase in one year
Vasaloppet will be the first customer in Sweden and Oslo Municipality will use the system for the administration of co-judges and election staff.

2013 - First customer in Denmark
The company continues to grow and gain a number of new customers also in new industries. Both crew and part-time employees are now managed with Mobilise Eventportal. Eurovision Denmark uses the system and becomes the first Danish customer.
2014 - Sweden here we come ...
We focus on the Swedish market and gain a number of new Swedish customers; Gothenburg & Co, Destinasjon Halmstad, Borås city and Way out West. The company wins new tenders and long-term contracts with Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim municipalities.

2015 - Opens an office in Stockholm
We are opening an office in Stockholm. The company will have its first customer in Finland, the World Figure Skating Championships in Helsinki in 2017.
2016 - World Cup, Olympics and TV campaign
This is the year for major one-off events - the World Cup in Biathlon in Oslo, the Youth Olympics in Lillehammer, the X-Games in Oslo, the Weightlifting European Championships in Førde, Eurovision in Stockholm - all use Mobilise for their volunteers. In addition, the TV campaign enters into an agreement on a platform for their 20,000 volunteers and 100,000 gun carriers. The platform is developed in step with our customers' needs.
2017 - Competence in focus
The company continues the good growth and signs 40 new customers. Mobilise expands the team and delivers knowledge, competence and system. Our Swedish office is moving from Stockholm to Gothenburg. We win our first Swedish tender with Västeras municipality.
2018 - New records
Mobilise gets its delivery ability tested and delivers a solution to the World Cup in ice hockey in Denmark in record time. In the same year, we enter into agreements with the Labor Party, Kirkens Bymisjon, Stockholm Stadsmissionen, Norges Håndballforbund, VM i Curling, Skidspelen i Falun, World Cup Ulricehamn, VM Curling i Århus and increase the number of municipalities on the customer list from 20 to 29. Mobilise sets a new turnover record.
2019 - The Mobilize Way
We launch the framework "The Mobilize Way" and show that we focus more on knowledge and competence development among our customers. This is well received in the market and several non-profit organizations become customers, such as Dråpen i Havet, Caritas Norway, Kirkens Bymisjon, Kreftforeningen. Mobilise assists as change advisors in addition to delivering a market-leading platform.
We also enter into a collaboration with the Swedish Sports Confederation in Sweden, to develop a best practice for sports events in Sweden.
2020 -
New profile and new upgraded platform launched! The year starts with the completion of the European Championships in handball (Norway and Sweden) and Ski Tour, as well as agreements with a number of new customers such as the World Championships in Marathon Paddling 2020, Kongsberg Jazz Festival, RBK, Molde FK, Ålesund FK, Grimstad Rally and a recently won tender with Västeras City. We look forward to a new eventful year ...