There is a growing need for systematization and streamlining that is in line with the volunteering we see more and more of today. The volunteers want to make their own choices, and it should be easy to get involved. This is something the TV action wants to meet, and has largely been done through developing a customized system since 2016 called the TV action portal together with Mobilise.
We met Gunnar Stabell at Sentralen, in Oslo with a smile on his face. We think it's because the pandemic is finally over. We sit down with a good cup of coffee and the conversation flows easily. The theme is Volunteering put into a system and this year's TV campaign.
Stabell has worked in the TV campaign since 2018 and is today, among other things, team leader for the implementation of the TV campaign in five counties, and has the main responsibility for digital development.
Prior to that, he worked at UNICEF, where Stabell first became acquainted with Mobilise and the importance of putting volunteering in order.

The TV campaign has been organized every autumn since 1974, and has provided vital help to millions of people. In total, the TV campaign has collected NOK nine billion, and every year 7,000 wonderful volunteers across the country work to organize the TV campaign in their municipality. The aim is for 100,000 voluntary gay bearers to visit all households in Norway. This year's TV campaign goes to Plan's work to combat child marriage.
Considerably simplified the working day with Mobilise
The TV campaign depends on good systems with good structure and effective communication, as they have to communicate with several thousand volunteers every year. In the past, people worked very manually in relation to messages and communication. This was time-consuming, and a lot of valuable knowledge and information disappeared during the work.
- Now we have simply got a simpler way of working, and the volunteers have got a better overview of what they have to do where, when and how. The opportunities to also have a closer and more personal dialogue with the volunteers/committees have been revolutionary, says Stabell.
Stabell further explains that they now have a system that captures previous information and important knowledge. The fact that they can use Mobilise's system to send out personalized SMS to all former gay carriers is effective and important for us in the TV campaign.
The digital gays
Every year, up to 100,000 bag carriers go out all over Norway and knock on doors to collect money for a good cause. 2020 was a slightly different year as the entire TV campaign was digital. You then had to change the entire user journey and the gay carrier met their donors via their own digital platforms.
- This digitization had to happen quickly and we did this in close collaboration with Mobilise, where they also started an integration collaboration with Spleis.
This is how the digital wallet was created. This was decided in August 2020, and here Mobilise were absolutely fantastic in adapting in an excellent way, says Stabell.
The TV action portal
The system delivered by Mobilise has been named the TV action portal by the administration of the TV action. The TV action naturally wants all the committees in the TV action to see the value and necessity of using the TV action portal.
- We see that in today's society it is no longer valuable to take care of the manual lists. In that case, it must be to take care of history and see how we worked before, says Stabell.
Stabell goes on to explain why the manual is no longer relevant.
It is because there is a breach of the personal data protection regulation, incredibly time-consuming and as he mentioned earlier - that valuable knowledge disappeared. You cannot update the lists manually in the same way as you can digitally. That is why it is important to use the Mobilise system.
Afraid that the magic will disappear after 1.5 years of pandemic
The TV action is very keen to continue to have the opportunity to meet physically. We have been worried that habits will change and that the nice meetings at the door will disappear.
Then some of the magic disappears. It will be exciting to see how it will be in the future, says Stabell.
-What we are happy about is that good structures have been created in Mobilise, which are being built together with us, where physical meetings are still important. We hope that this will continue.
Furthermore, Stabell says that CRM does not work for volunteering. Mobilise has solved the voluntary organisation's challenges by creating a separate HRM system that follows up on the new type of volunteering that is more common today - and not least a way to meet the need for future volunteering.
The gay bearers return year after year
Those who use the system correctly today really see the benefits of using the TV action portal. The committees that work to organize and recruit gay carriers locally are volunteers or politically appointed. Some of these are recruited via the municipality, voluntary centres, various organisations, the theme etc.
-Many of our committees who today use the system correctly say themselves that they experience that the gun carriers return year after year, and it has become much easier to communicate and follow up with them.
Here is some of the feedback we have received:
"The best thing about the system is that you have managed to create loyalty by being able to easily contact the gun carriers."
"Before Mobilise, it was impossible to follow up on all our gun carriers."
"With the help of the system, we can now tailor it all the way down to the need a gun carrier has for which route (area) they want to go.
"It is valuable that we can easily send out several hundred emails or SMS and personalize it all."
Evaluations and feedback are worth their weight in gold
There are many people who use the TV action portal every year, and everyone uses it in different ways. The whole of Norway is participating in this great effort.
"The feedback we get from our volunteers/committees is worth its weight in gold"
- Every year we collect evaluations from our committees to know how we can adapt the TV action portal even better. We take this with us into meetings with Mobilise so that together we can improve the user experience.
Clarity and good flow of information
Mobilise helps the user of the system to get a better overview of human resources that are to be employed and communicated with at all times.
- The system makes the information more accurate and we have a running national overview of how many gun carriers come in, for example in Arendal.
Then you can close the portal in the specific area so that you don't get too many gunmen. This can be managed both nationally, regionally and locally.
Stabell further says that the worst thing is if they have to say no to people who want to carry a gun. It has happened before. But no longer happens where they use the system, and use it correctly!
The flow of information is very good and hits better with those who receive information. The system ensures that unnecessary information is not sent out. It is also nice to be able to create ready-made templates and send information out to the selected roles.
For example, information intended only for those who have registered as a business manager.
What is the best thing about working with Mobilise and why would you recommend us to others?
-Mobilise is adaptable, good at tailoring the system as needed, open to ideas and actively listens to our needs.
The system is easy to use, training doesn't take long, and our 100,000 gay carriers obviously don't need any training. They are automatically sent the information they need when they sign up through
Stabell goes on to say that if it hadn't been for Mobilise, we would have been on the ground,
- If you and your organization do not yet have a separate HRM system for volunteering, I recommend that you contact Mobilise for a chat already today.
This year, the TV campaign starts on Sunday. October 24. Do you want to take part in the biggest charity of the year? Then you can read more about how to get involved by clicking here